
Add Text to GIF | WorkinTool

Add captions and subtitles to animated GIFs effortlessly with WorkinTool GIF Caption Maker. Try it now and you can achieve whatever you want easily using this GIF editor.

Create a GIF with text, images, and animations.
Easily crop, resize, reverse, rotate, split, speed up and slow down a GIF.
Make an animated GIF from multiple file formats.
Use this GIF meme maker without forced watermarks.

An Easy-to-use GIf Caption Maker

Are you looking for a powerful GIF meme maker which can create animated GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) to impress your digital audiences? WorkinTool works well with that. This GIF text editor allows you to add moving text over a GIF, control text color, font, and effect, customize when text appears and disappears over a GIF, and more.
Other than that, it is available to use all the editing features for free to make your GIF images more entertaining. You can use this GIF editor to Crop GIF , trim, resize, rotate, reverse, speed up, slow down, and animate the inserted images and text over a GIF with no hassle. It also works as a GIF converter , enabling you to convert GIFs from and to any other formats.
Supported Images: JPG, PNG, WEBP, BMP, TIFF
Supported Videos: MP4, MOV, AVI, MKV, WMV
feature icon

WorkinTool GIF Editor Features

Smooth GIF Caption
Smooth GIF Caption
This GIF text maker provides users with a smooth and simple experience to add words to GIFs.
Customize your Text
Customize your Text
It is more than adding text to a GIF. You can make the text move, configure when the text appears and disappears, adjust the font, color, size, opacity, position, and more.
Put more than Text over GIFs
Put more than Text over GIFs
In addition to captions and subtitles, this GIF creator also supports you to put images, animations, effects, filters, and stickers over a GIF image. You will get a perfect animated GIF from WorkinTool.
Powerful Editing Features
Powerful Editing Features
This GIF captioner allows you to crop, rotate, trim, reverse, blur, flip, and make other advanced edits on GIFs with no hassle. It is not just a GIF text adder but also a video editor.
Various file formats are supported in this GIF editor, including images like JPG, PNG, WEBP, BMP, TIFF, and videos like MP4, MOV, AVI, MKV, and WMV.
Fast and Easy
Fast and Easy
You don't need to waste time uploading and downloading materials online. This meme GIF maker can handle your work easily and create an animated GIF in a few seconds.
How to Add Text to a GIF Image?
(Desktop Version)
First Step
Open WorkinTool GIF editor and create a new project to import GIFs.
Second Step
Click on the Text menu, choose a text template and drag it to the timeline.
Third Step
Click the text template on the timeline to add text to GIF and edit GIF text.
Forth Step
Press the blue Export button to save the edited material in GIF format.
First Step
Second Step
Third Step
Forth Step
Open WorkinTool GIF editor and create a new project to import GIFs.
First Step

WorkinTool GIF Caption Maker

Start Your Trial Now!
Want to add text to GIFs without hassle? Why not try WorkinTool GIF editor? It is a powerful freeware that avails users of multiple features like putting text on a GIF, adding images and stickers, editing GIF pictures, converting image formats, and so on. Join our free trial now! You won't regret it!
Free Download For Win 11/10/8/7