
How to Create 3D Models with AI 3D Model Generator

Embark on a captivating journey of artistic expression with the BrainPix App, meticulously designed by the talented team at WorkinTool. With a seamless user experience, this remarkable app empowers you to effortlessly convert ordinary text prompts into breathtaking visual masterpieces. But wait, there’s more! Our cutting-edge application goes above and beyond, offering a diverse array of features and unrivaled image generation capabilities.
๐Ÿ˜Ž 300+ different models and styles
๐Ÿ˜† Custom AI image generation available
๐Ÿ˜ Various image generation results
๐Ÿ˜˜ Provide Text-to-Image and Image-to-Image Generation
๐Ÿฅฐ Easy and fast operation and generation

Last updated on Aug 27, 2023 by Sebastian Written by Sebastian
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How to Create 3D Models with AI 3D Model Generator

As technology advances, creating 3D models is easier than ever. Because AI-driven tools are changing the landscape, it enables those without extensive experience in 3D modeling to produce realistic and complex 3D designs. Without any complex settings or superb artistic creativity, the AI 3D model generator produces a series of interesting 3D models and applies them to all fields. It used to take a lot of time and money to build different 3D models, but now you only need a small piece of software. Then, it can generate what the user wants in a few minutes. These were unthinkable ten or twenty years ago.

This comprehensive article provides a thorough guide on how to create 3D models using an AI-driven 3D model generator. Let’s uncover the secrets behind Advanced Artificial Intelligence Technology. Whether you’re a 3D model builder in the professional gaming industry, a fashion designer in the physical industry, or an amateur who makes art entirely out of his or her interests, it can meet your needs. Here, the magic of artificial intelligence can inject new life into your endless imagination.

ai 3d model generator poster

Understanding AI in 3D Modeling

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized industries, and 3D modeling is no exception. Today’s AI-driven tools can easily analyze two-dimensional images, understand depth and perspective, and then generate accurate three-dimensional models. Sometimes, it doesn’t even require a 2D image from the user. Instead, the user fills in the corresponding prompt according to his or her ideal, and the user can easily create the content he or she wants in just a few minutes. This greatly reduces the time and skill required by users to create 3D models and makes 3D modeling more accessible to all.


Advantages of AI 3D Model Generator

So, let’s take a quick look at how many benefits you get if you use an AI 3D model generator:

  1. Efficiency: AI 3D model creation tools can significantly reduce the time and cost of making 3D models. You need to know that, like traditional manual modeling, the entire process is time-consuming and expensive. And if you want high-quality work, you need skilled artists and extensive manual labor. Artificial intelligence-driven tools can automate and simplify the modeling process, saving you time and resources.
  2. Productivity: The AI 3D model generator enables users to generate large numbers of high-quality 3D models relatively quickly. This increase in productivity is particularly beneficial for industries such as games, animation, virtual reality, and architectural visualization, which typically require large numbers of models. The games industry, for example, takes months to produce many models, and if you use the AI 3D modeling tool, you can greatly reduce this cost and make better work.
  3. Consistency and Quality: Artificial intelligence algorithms are designed to maintain consistent levels of quality in the generated 3D model. This helps ensure the model’s accuracy, detail, and visual appeal. The AI 3D model generation tools can avoid errors and inconsistencies during the modeling process.
  4. Generality and Customization: New AI 3D model generators offer a wide range of customization options. These features allow the user to make the generated model completely to the details of their specific requirements. Users can adjust parameters such as shape, size, texture, and detail to enable them to create unique and custom models for their projects.

Overall, the AI 3D Model Generator has significant advantages in terms of time efficiency, cost savings, productivity, quality, and customization. These tools can revolutionize the 3D modeling process and open up new opportunities across industries and creative fields. And what are these tools?

How to Make 3D Models: BrainPix App

In fact, there are already many 3D model generators on the market. Just Google the relevant keywords, and you will find pages of similar tools. However, most of these current tools are for-profit online tools like Fotor. Regardless of the quality of your work, if you’re a 3D modeler working for a professional game company, you probably wouldn’t dare to use an online tool to create a 3D model, considering the copyright and security of your work. In that case, why don’t you try the app on your phone? For example, BrainPix application could be a great choice for 3D modeling.

brainpix interface


BrainPix is an exceptional Android application that stands out from the list. It utilizes state-of-the-art AI technology and a wide range of pre-designed templates to assist users in generating diverse 3D models to suit their needs. This software excels in both text-to-image and image-to-image functions. Users can effortlessly create images by inputting text prompts with the text-to-image function. Alternatively, the image-to-image feature enables users to transform 2D graphics into captivating 3D models. BrainPix offers an extensive collection of model categories, including Avatars, Illustrations, Comics, Nature Scenery, Traditional Chinese, Animation, and 3D for Free Creation. Each model has the ability to produce a unique image, providing an unprecedented sense of delight and satisfaction.

๐Ÿ“’ Look how it works with BrainPix:

  • First, go to the Google Play page and download BrainPix.
  • Find the 3D selection and pick one 3D model.
  • Add prompts and the 2D picture that you used for reference. Please press the button: I need inspiration. It can help you add a random text prompt.
  • Make the settings like aspect ratio and image model.

how to make an anime character workintool

  • Finally, click the Create button. Then, you can wait until the 3D model is generated. Whether you want to make 3D game models, architecture, or nature, all the different 3D models can be done quickly.

ai 3d model generator workintool

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Tips for AI 3D Model Generator

  1. Familiarize Yourself with the Tool: Take the time to understand the features, settings, and features of the AI 3D model generator you are using.
  2. Input High-quality Images: The higher the quality and resolution of your input image, the more accurate the 3D model will be.
  3. Experiment with New Features: Don’t be afraid to try out different features and settings. Perhaps these will help you understand the functionality of the tool and refine your 3D modeling skills to produce better work.
  4. Learn the Basics: Understanding the basics of 3D modeling can help you better use and appreciate the 3D model generator driven by artificial intelligence.


Artificial intelligence-driven 3D model generators are transforming the world of 3D modeling, making it easier to access and more efficient. Whether you’re a professional designer, artist, or amateur, these tools can help you turn your ideas into reality in three dimensions. Keep in mind that while artificial intelligence can significantly simplify the 3D modeling process, it is still important to understand the basics of 3D design and improve your skills through practice. After all, artificial intelligence is a tool for improving your creativity, not replacing it.

Whether you’re creating 3D models for games, art, product design, or just for fun, the AI 3D model generator can help you achieve your 3D modeling goals. So dive into the world of 3D modeling and artificial intelligence and let your creativity form in a whole new dimension. Happy Modeling!
